RecordsetSaveProgress Event


Occurs repeatedly when the ExportXML method is called. Use this event to provide feedback to the user when a recordset is exported.

Private Sub Object_RecordsetSaveProgress(ByVal DSCEventInfo As DSCEventInfo)

Object   A DataSourceControl object.

DSCEventInfo   The DSCEventInfo object that contains information about the event.


Use the PercentComplete property to determine the current progress of the export operation.

You cannot use this event to update the contents of the current HTML document.


This example uses the RecordsetSaveProgess event to update Microsoft Internet Explorer's status bar when the recordset contained by the DataSourceControl is saved.

Sub MSODSC_RecordsetSaveProgress(DSCEventInfo)

    ' Update the status bar with the current
    ' completion percentage.
    Window.Status = DSCEventInfo.PercentComplete

    ' Check to see if the save has been completed.
    If DSCEventInfo.PercentComplete = 100 then

        ' Clear the status bar when the save is complete.
        Window.Status = ""
    End If

End Sub